Dr Poloko Kebaabetswe is the Director, heritage Research Solutions and Green Heritage Wellness Centre.She holds a PhD in Public Health and Behavioural Science from the University of Texas. Dr Kebaabetswe was a Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Health Sciences before joining Botswana Harvard Partnership as Behavioural Scientist and later joining BOTUSA (Botswana-USA) as Co-Principal Investigator in the TRUVADA TYDF2 HIV study. She joined the University of Botswana, School of Medicine as Director of the Health Systems Research Unit (HSRU). She has also worked as Consultant at the Botswana Harvard Partnership and at UNICEF Botswana. She served in the World Health Organization Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) of the Special program for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases and regionally served in the WHO African Advisory Committee on Health Research and Development in Congo, Brazaville.
Dr Kebaabetswe is a recipient of several distinguished awards both locally and internationally such as, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Diseases Registry (ATSDR), USA, Meritorious Honors Award from the American Embassy-CDC for Outstanding Contributions to the BOTUSA Strategic Plan on Human Capacity development. She was also awarded the International Public Health Leadership Award for Dedication and Leadership after successfully directing the TDF2 HIV Prevention Study from the Disease Control, Coordinating Office for Global Health, Department of Health and Human Services, USA.