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Gakuru J, Kagimu E, Dai B, Okurut S, Nsangi L, Bahr NC, Okirwoth M, Namuju OC, Jarvis JN, Lawrence DS, Ahimbisibwe C, Ellis J, Tadeo KK, Boulware DR, Meya DB, Tugume L.
Clin Infect Dis.
: 39180324

Background: In 2022, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended a single 10 mg/kg dose of liposomal amphotericin B in combination with 14 days of flucytosine and fluconazole (AMBITION-cm regimen) for induction therapy of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-associated cryptococcal meningitis, based on the results of the multisite AMBITION-cm trial. We evaluated outcomes after real-world implementation of this novel regimen in Uganda.

Methods: We enrolled Ugandan adults with cryptococcal meningitis into an observational cohort receiving the AMBITION-cm regimen with therapeutic lumbar punctures in routine care during 2022-2023. We compared 10-week survival and CSF early fungicidal activity with the outcomes observed in the AMBITION-cm clinical trial conducted at the same sites.

Results: During 2022-2023, 179 adults were treated with the AMBITION-cm regimen via routine care and compared to the 171 adults randomized to the AMBITION-cm trial interventional arm in Uganda from 2018 to 2021. No significant difference in 10-week survival occurred between the observational cohort (68.6%; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 61.6%-76.3%) and AMBITION-cm trial participants in the intervention arm (71.7%; 95% CI: 65.2%-78.8%; absolute risk difference = -3.1%; 95% CI: -13.1% to 6.9%; P = .61). Early fungicidal activity did not differ (0.42 vs 0.39 log10CFU/mL/day; P = .80) between groups. Among observational cohort participants discharged alive initially and for whom follow-up data were available, the incidence of re-hospitalizations due to persistently elevated intracranial pressure was 2.8% (4/144).

Conclusions: The AMBITION-cm regimen for cryptococcal meningitis resulted in similar outcomes as observed in the AMBITION-cm clinical trial when implemented in routine care. Intracranial pressure management during hospitalization and awareness after discharge are key components of optimizing outcomes.

Keywords: HIV; advanced HIV disease; cryptococcal meningitis; implementation; liposomal amphotericin B.