Professor Sheila Tlou serves as a Board of Member for Botswana Harvard AIDS Institute Partnership (BHP). She is a distinguished health professional, a Co-Chair of the Nursing Now Global Campaign and the Global HIV Prevention Coalition and a Former Minister of Health and Wellness through 2000-2004. Professor Tlou is widely recognized as a visionary leader and champion, particularly through her initiatives on HIV and AIDS, gender, and women's health. Professor Tlou taught at the University of Botswana where she headed the Nursing Education Faculty and has made outstanding achievements in the development of nursing profession both in Botswana and abroad. She published numerous articles and books on international health and development issues. Professor Tlou has received several international awards, including the 2003 Florence Nightingale Medal by the International Committee of the Red Cross and the 2008 Presidential Award for Outstanding Contribution to Global Health by the American Academy of Nursing. Professor Tlou is the UNAIDS Regional Support Team Director for East and Southern Africa and Vice Chancellor for Botswana Open University (BOU). Prof. Tlou holds a PhD in Nursing Sciences and post-graduate Certificates in Women’s health and Gender studies, from the University of Illinois at Chicago. She has a Master’s degree in Nursing Education and Instruction from Columbia University, a Master of Science in Nursing from the Catholic University of America, and a Bachelor of Nursing degree from Dillard University in New Orleans. She has many publications on gender issues relating to HIV and AIDS, Older Persons, Menopause, and community-based approaches to HIV prevention.