Principal Investigator - Melanie Dubois, MD

Study Objectives:

  1. Specific Aim 1a: Quantify the proportion of WLHIV screened for TB from conception through 2 months postpartum during routine healthcare encounters.
  2. Specific Aim 1b: Quantify prevalence of TB symptoms among WLHIV by screening all enrolled women at 2 months postpartum.
  3. Specific Aim 2: Identify barriers to TB diagnosis and care for pregnant and postpartum WLHIV.

Study Design: This study is a prospective observational cohort study with a cross-sectional qualitative component. The study is designed to evaluate the TB screening practices, as well as barriers to TB diagnosis and care delivery, for pregnant and postpartum WLHIV living in Botswana.

Study population and size: The study is recruiting 100 pregnant and postpartum women living with HIV (WLHIV) age 18 years and older, citizens of Botswana, who have already consented to participate in the FLOURISH study for co-enrolment in this study. It will also recruit up to 10 medical staff working in government clinics providing TB screening, treatment, and preventative therapy for pregnant and postpartum women.

Study duration: 2 years

Study Results: Study is on-going. As of April 13, 2023, 85 participants have enrolled in the study. Seventy-six participants having completed the 2 month postpartum study visit, during which TB screening was performed by study staff. Eleven percent (8/76) of participants screened positive for TB symptoms at this visit, with subsequent referral for TB evaluation at local government health clinics.